Planning Place-Based Sustainable Development: Territories Gone With the Wind

This program examines how wind power plants interfere “positively or negatively” with place-based territorial contruction. The point is to address the trade-offs between spatial equity and intergenerational equity which are the core of sustainable policies. Indeed, energy concern is an environmental concerns to future generations, where the local communities opposed to wind power plants promote spatial equity and show concern to noise nuisance and supposed decrease in property values for example. In the field of sustainability, technical solutions and administrative procedures often increase environmental injustice and/or strengthen these that exist already. This progam is formed of two phases: the identification of contradictions, conflicts in the study sites, then formalization of the trade-offs and definition of the resulting scenarii.

This research encompasses the Region Champagne Ardenne and the neighboring regions, to take into account the phenomenon of imported sustainability where concerned areas ensure their sustainability by rejecting its cost to other areas.

Started in 2011

Contact: Céline Burger –